Monday, September 28, 2015

TastyKake Voxbox Review

First of all, I have to say that I have been totally lousy at even attempting to blog! I've just been so down lately, like I want to crawl into bed and not come back out for a year or so. I'm still no where near closer to my goal of going to school to be a nail tech (despite having more polishes than my local salons).  But enough about my boring life, I came here to talk about the latest Voxbox I received!

 Infuenster sent me a box of TastyKake's newest offering, these cute little mini cakes.  They are perfectly sized for a quick snack for kiddo (or my mom!).  They are nice and moist, not dry like some packaged baked sweets can be.  Kiddo loves them.  They will likely make their way into the rounds of lunchbox treats!
I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

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